A Little Words


- 2000/01/03 - 2000/02/28 - 2000/03/12 - 2000/05/16 - 2000/06/18 - 2000/07/10 - 2000/08/15 - 2001/01/01 -

Monday, 1 January 2001

Time is running so fast that the legendary 20th century has become history by today. Too many answers of questions still unknown to people up to this moment. Where is our destiny in the universe? Will it be possible for us to travel in the speed of light? Even in doing so, it needs about 50,000,000 light years to travel from Earth to Virgo, my star of origin.

Yes, I noticed about the distant of Virgo by accident in library, about half a year after I got the score of 50,000,000 pts in GRADIUS II. What a surprise by knowing this. My score is the same as the distant of my star of origin!

Years ago, many people believe flying discs exist only in scientific fiction. Today, many people believe the existence of flying discs and aliens in real. Do you? What do I think? First of all, human is alien. And I believe one day, we will meet our friends(and/or enemies?) face to face from the other side of the galaxy. But, it is still a long way to go isn't it?

Mystery of the universe is seems a long term topic which will possibly last for millennia years or longer. Let's talk about something close. When will I recieve the prizes of the official GRADIUS III & IV Internet Ranking Contest? Hopefully, I believe/wish this is a question which can be answered soon.

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Tuesday, 15 August 2000

Today, something like a miracle happened to me while playing the PS2 GRADIUS IV. I got a new record of 1,160,100 PTS with weapon type no.4 in the 3rd stage of the 3rd loop(3-3). I'm very happy about it but this is not surprised. Later while I update this information on web pages, I discovered that this score is exactly the same as my previous record with weapon type no.5 which is done early this month(2 weeks ago) !!!

My skill in handling the 2nd loop of GRADIUS IV is not yet excellent and I usually need a lot of luck (especially in the Bubble stage) to have able to complete the 2nd loop. In the other words, the possibility for me in visiting the 3rd loop is very low. And the possibility for me (and for anyone else I think) to obtain same scores in the 3rd loop can be say is almost impossible.

I almost can't believe but it is really happening! I must state clearly that I did not make this in will. And I got solid prove of it because both records are played in the Hi-Score Try mode. I applied them on the official Internet Ranking.

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Monday, 10 July 2000

Today, I'm very happy because I just got noticed yessterday night that GDOTI has got the Official OPCFG Award of Excellence for the Preservation of Classic Forms of Gaming ! This is a very surprise and encouraging news to me, and to all the fighters in the Army. I'll try my best to keep making this site as good as possible. This site wouldn't be this success without any of your support. Thank you very much !

This is the award:

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Sunday, 18 June 2000

Though I still didn't get my MO disk drive (repairing) back but I cannot wait any longer to update the pages, because I afraid I will lost the idea which I have in my brain for long time. By the time, I may have got no or less time to write Forum, BBS or mails etc. (please forgive me about that) But I will try my best to make this site as good as possible. Please keep visiting!

One thing I always want to say. Sorry guys (JKO, Ghostwalker, suzuki, Cochems, Fred, David, IMO, ...), I know I'm kinda lazy and owe your mails for a long time but (I don't know) I really cannot do anything else while concentrating on the others. You know I didn't forget you! You are always in my mind!

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Tuesday, 16 May 2000

I got PS2 GRADIUS III&IV last week! The game is totally 100% Arcade feel plus more. Besides the original difficulty, the game also include extra modes such as BOSS RUSH MODE and HI-SCORE TRY. This is the first time I play Gradius but also feels like Rally...!

By the way, the CG opening of GRADIUS III&IV is also excellent. The feeling is very movie like. It worth to spent time looking at it every time when run the game. I will capture some screen shots of it and also update the web pages after my MO drive (repairing) is back.

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Sunday, 12 March 2000

The time is running so fast that the year 2000 has been now passed for 1/6, while the January 1st celebration is still like yesterday in mind. Unfortunately my job seeking plan is now still in process.

The MO drive is finally fail to use anymore recently. It is hard to say this is bad or good. Because I have saved all the homepage files in MO disk a while ago so the computer can run more smoothly. And in case if there were any error in hard disk, I will not lost the original homepage files which I have spent many time and spirit to create. But as long as the MO drive is not able to use, it is very hard to update or create new sections for the website. All the original plans has to be frozen until the MO drive can be repaired. (ToT)

I will update and create new sections for GDOTI when I am able to do so. Please continue keep an eye on this site...!

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Monday, 28 February 2000

The time is running so fast that the year 2000 has been now passed for 1/6, while the January 1st celebration is still like yesterday in mind. Unfortunately my job seeking plan is now still in process.

The MO drive is finally fail to use anymore recently. It is hard to say this is bad or good. Because I have saved all the homepage files in MO disk a while ago so the computer can run more smoothly. And in case if there were any error in hard disk, I will not lost the original homepage files which I have spent many time and spirit to create. But as long as the MO drive is not able to use, it is very hard to update or create new sections for the website. All the original plans has to be frozen until the MO drive can be repaired. (T_T

As you can notice from the "Discuss Forum" section, there seems many places in Hong Kong (and also in many other countries I think) now can play the AC GRADIUS IV. But with no time, money and mood, I didn't saw the game yet. As many people will do, I wish the PS2 version will be very close to the original game.

I will update and create new sections for GDOTI when I am able to do so. Please continue keep an eye on this site...!

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Monday, 3 January 2000

Welcome! Thanks for visiting and I hope you enjoy this place.

It has been a long time since the last update on this site. I always want to do it but just no time at all especially this year. This year I spent most of my game playing time on the greatest RAC in 1999 - SEGA RALLY 2. SRC2 is a great 3D-RAC which is released both on the 3 main powerful platforms: Arcade, Dreamcast and PC. I played it mainly on DC. For those of you who also like this game too, or want to know more about it, please don't forget to check out the SRCHK, SEGA Rally Hong Kong Section. \(^^')

You'll see many of the sections in this site are not finished yet. This is because my speed of updating homepage is pretty slow. (^^!) But I will try finishing them when have time to do so. Your support will surely encourage me to do this much much faster... .

Thanks again and please come back later!

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